Registered user since Wed 30 Nov 2022
Asterios Katsifodimos is an Associate Professor at the Delft University of Technology. Before that, Asterios worked at the SAP Innovation Center (Berlin), and at the Technical University (TU) of Berlin. Asterios obtained his PhD from INRIA Saclay & University Paris 11.
Asterios’ research work spans the areas of parallel (streaming-) data processing & Cloud computing, optimization of ML-systems, and data integration. His research on fault tolerance, aggregation methods and benchmarking has influenced the design of open-source stream processing engines, while his research group develops and maintains the dataset discovery system Valentine. Asterios has received the ACM SIGMOD Research Highlights Award in 2016, as well as the best paper award at EDBT 2019 and ACM DEBS 2021. He is the instructor of the online MOOC “Taming Massive Data Streams” and is invited regularly to give talks at industry and research venues. Asterios serves as an associate editor or a program committee member in the data management conferences such as VLDB, ICDE, SIGMOD and EDBT.
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