UPDATE: See our attendee instructions here please: https://2022.splashcon.org/attending/how-to-splash
SPLASH 2022 Airmeet Page: https://tinyurl.com/splash2022virtual
The ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery, to make it the premier conference on the applications of programming languages - at the intersection of programming languages and software engineering.
SPLASH 2022 aims to signify the reopening of the world and going to being able to meet your international colleagues in person. We are looking forward to seeing you in Australasia for the first time since the OOPSLA conference started back in 1986. We are co-locating with APLAS, as well as GPCE, SLE, DLS, SAS, Onward! Papers, Onward! Essays, SPLASH-E and all the co-located Workshops and Events that make SPLASH the “go-to” conference of the year.
NB! Please download our SPLASH 2022 PDF Poster to print out and put up around your department. Thank you!
We are looking forward to meeting you and the one conference to rule them all!

Improving the Quality of Creative Practices with Pattern Languages
Takashi Iba

Myths and Mythconceptions: What does it mean to be a programming language, anyhow?
Mary Shaw

(I Can't Get No) Verification
Atsushi Igarashi

Verification of Concurrent Programs under Release-Acquire Concurrency
Shankaranarayanan Krishna

The State Of Debugging in 2022
Robert O'Callahan
Latest News
- Thu 8 Dec 2022 by Andreea Costea
Most Influential OOPSLA Paper
Adam Betts, Nathan Chong, Alastair Donaldson, Shaz Qadeer, and Paul Thomson. 2012. GPUVerify: a verifier for GPU kernels. In Proceedings of the ACM international conference on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications (OOPSLA ’12). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 113–132. DOI
Distinguished OOPSLA Papers
Ben L. Titzer. 2022. **A fast in-place interpreter f …
read full article - Tue 6 Dec 2022 by Andreea Costea
SRC talks to start at 5.30pm on Wed
The SRC talks will start earlier, at 5.30pm on Wed, Dec 7th, in the AMRF Auditorium.
- Tue 22 Nov 2022 by Andreea Costea
The full schedule is now available
Lots of exciting events to choose from. Mark your calendar at https://2022.splashcon.org/program/program-splash-2022
Remote Presentation
All SPLASH 2022 events will be hosted in Auckland, New Zealand. However, authors who cannot travel will be provided an opportunity to join “Virtual SPLASH 2022” - more information coming at the start of October - see the Attending -> Virtual SPLASH 2022 item.
SPLASH 2022 Schedule
Room | Mon, Dec 5 | Tue, Dec 6 | Wed, Dec 7 | Thu, Dec 8 | Fri, Dec 9 | Sat, Dec 10 |
AMRF Auditorium (300) | SAS | SAS | SAS/DLS | OOPSLA | OOPSLA | OOPSLA |
Lecture Theatre 2 (250) | SIGPLAN 20/21 Papers | SIGPLAN 20/21 Papers | SIGPLAN 20/21 Papers | OOPSLA | OOPSLA | OOPSLA |
Seminar Room G007 (80) | APLAS | SLE | SLE | OOPSLA | OOPSLA | OOPSLA |
Seminar Room G100 (70) | VMIL | GPCE (G135 Tue) | GPCE | Onward! Essays | Onward! Papers | Onward! Papers |
Seminar Room LG004 (50) | PAINT | LIVE | FTSCS | SIGPLAN 20/21 Papers | SIGPLAN 20/21 Papers | SIGPLAN 20/21 Papers |
Seminar Room G125 (40) | SPLASH-E | Unsound | REBLS | SPLASH Panel | ||
Seminar Room G080 (40) | PLMW | PLMW | ||||
Seminar Room G145 (40) | Doctoral Symposium | HATRA | ||||
Evening Events | Welcome and Posters Reception | SRC and Posters Reception | SPLASH Banquet |
Update, Dec 5th: Please note that the rooms for SLE and GPCE have been updated for Tuesday, Dec 6th. The table above and the Program reflect the latest changes.
NB! Expected daily flow is to have 30 minute slots for papers with the day schedule being roughly as follows:
NB! See what time it is in your time zone at the time of SPLASH 2022 by clicking this link: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20221204T200000&p1=264
Time | Slot |
8:30am - 9am | Breakfast (TBC) |
9am - 10am | Keynote Talk |
10am - 10:30am | Morning Tea |
10:30am - 12pm (or 12:30pm TBC) | Morning Paper Session |
12pm - 1:30pm | Lunch (Provided) |
1:30pm - 3pm | Early Afternoon Paper Session |
3pm - 3:30pm | Afternoon Tea |
3:30pm - 5pm (or 5:30pm TBC) | Late Afternoon Paper Session |
6pm | Banquet or Reception Approximate Start Times |