SPLASH 2022 (series) / Guillermo Polito

Registered user since Wed 8 Oct 2014
Name:Guillermo Polito
Guille Polito is research engineer at the CRIStAL laboratory in the university of Lille, working in tight relation with the RMoD team. Guille’s main research interests are programming language implementations, programming tools, modular systems, and maintenance of large software systems.
He currently works on Virtual Machines for object oriented languages, with a focus on modular systems and languages, and development tools. Guille works in the development of the open source Pharo programming language and environment since 2010, and he is a member of its technical board since 2018.
Affiliation:Univ. Lille, CNRS, Inria, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL
Personal website: https://guillep.github.io
Research interests:Programming Languages, Metaprogramming, Software Architecture and Quality
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