SPLASH 2022 (series) / Marcel Moosbrugger

Registered user since Thu 8 Sep 2022
Name:Marcel Moosbrugger
As a Ph.D. student supervised by Laura Kovács and Ezio Bartocci, my mission is to bring certainty to domains that are uncertain in nature. What sounds like a contradiction at first, reveals itself as an intriguing and highly relevant research area. Probabilistic Programs, Machine Learning, and stochastic systems are all around us and influence our daily lives. Using formal methods can not only make these systems safer but can further have a beneficial feedback effect on the development of such technologies.
For more details visit my personal website.
Affiliation:TU Wien
Personal website: https://marcelmoos.com/
X (Twitter): https://x.com/mmsbrggr
GitHub: https://github.com/mmsbrggr
Research interests:Probabilistic Programming, Verification, Program Analysis
Static Analysis Symposium
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