Mon 5 - Sat 10 December 2022 Auckland, New Zealand
Riemer van Rozen

Registered user since Wed 30 Nov 2022

Name:Riemer van Rozen

Riemer van Rozen is a lecturer and researcher at the Software Analysis and Transformation group of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI). Since 2011, he has collaborated with industry in several applied research projects on languages and tools that speed up development and improve software quality. His research focuses on generic solutions for domain-specific languages and live programming environments in general, and automated game design in particular. PhD Dissertation: R.A. van Rozen. “Languages of Games and Play: Automating Game Design & Enabling Live Programming”, University of Amsterdam, Feb 2020. link.

Personal website: https://vrozen.github.io
Research interests:Software languages, meta-programming, domain-specific languages, live programming, automated game design


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