SLE 2022 Program
Mon 5 DecDisplayed time zone: Auckland, Wellington change
09:00 - 10:00 | Morning 1SPLASH-E at Seminar Room G125 Chair(s): Molly Q Feldman Oberlin College The session is hybrid, with the first talk being in-person, and the second virtual. The physical venue G125 has video equipment for online presentation via airmeet. The SPLASH 2022 airmeet page is: Look for the SPLASH-E sessions there and bookmark them. For issues, use the airmeet chat if you are joining online, and look for the student volunteer Jiwon Park, if you in G125. | ||
09:00 30mTalk | Codehound: Helping Instructors Track Pedagogical Code Dependencies in Course MaterialsIn Person SPLASH-E DOI | ||
09:30 30mTalk | The Role of Abstraction in Introductory ProgrammingVirtual SPLASH-E Kezia Devathasan University of Victoria, Celina Berg University of Victoria, Daniela Damian University of Victoria DOI |
10:30 - 12:00 | Morning 2SPLASH-E at Seminar Room G125 Chair(s): Martin Henz National University of Singapore The session is hybrid, with the first talk being virtual (pre-recorded with live Q&A), and the second in-person. The physical venue G125 has video equipment for online presentation via airmeet. The SPLASH 2022 airmeet page is: Look for the SPLASH-E sessions there and bookmark them. For issues, use the airmeet chat if you are joining online, and look for the student volunteer Jiwon Park, if you in G125. | ||
10:30 30mTalk | Data Science Pedagogy to Support Industry, Governmental, and Research InitiativesPre-recorded SPLASH-E Kevin Dick Carleton University, Hoda Khalil Carleton University, Gabriel A. Wainer Carleton University DOI | ||
11:00 30mTalk | Crossing Learning Thresholds Progressively via Active LearningIn Person SPLASH-E DOI | ||
11:30 30mOther | Discussion SPLASH-E |
13:30 - 15:00 | Afternoon 1SPLASH-E at Seminar Room G125 Chair(s): Eli Tilevich Virginia Tech The session is hybrid, with the first talk being virtual, and the second in-person. The physical venue G125 has video equipment for online presentation via airmeet. The SPLASH 2022 airmeet page is: Look for the SPLASH-E sessions there and bookmark them. For issues, use the airmeet chat if you are joining online, and look for the student volunteer Wang Chengpeng, if you in G125. | ||
13:30 30mTalk | Team Harmony before, during, and after COVID-19Virtual SPLASH-E Noa Heyl University of British Columbia, Elisa Baniassad University of British Columbia, Oluwakemi Ola University of British Columbia DOI | ||
14:00 30mTalk | Expressions in Java: Essential, Prevalent, Neglected?In Person SPLASH-E DOI | ||
14:30 30mOther | Discussion SPLASH-E |
15:30 - 17:00 | Afternoon 2SPLASH-E at Seminar Room G125 Chair(s): Benjamin Lerner Northeastern University, United States Both talks in this session are given in-person. The physical venue G125 has video equipment for online participation via airmeet. The SPLASH 2022 airmeet page is: Look for the SPLASH-E sessions there and bookmark them. For issues, use the airmeet chat if you are joining online, and look for the student volunteer Jiwon Park, if you in G125. | ||
15:30 30mTalk | Mio: A Block-Based Environment for Program DesignIn Person SPLASH-E Junya Nose SoftBank, Youyou Cong Tokyo Institute of Technology, Hidehiko Masuhara Tokyo Institute of Technology DOI | ||
16:00 30mTalk | Evaluating the Quality of Student-Written Software Tests with Curated Mutation AnalysisIn Person SPLASH-E DOI | ||
16:30 30mOther | Discussion SPLASH-E |
Tue 6 DecDisplayed time zone: Auckland, Wellington change
08:45 - 08:57 | SLE OpeningSLE at Seminar Room G007 Chair(s): Lola Burgueño University of Malaga, Walter Cazzola Università degli Studi di Milano | ||
08:45 12mDay opening | SLE Opening SLE Bernd Fischer Stellenbosch University, South Africa, Lola Burgueño University of Malaga, Walter Cazzola Università degli Studi di Milano |
10:30 - 12:00 | Session 2. Language Workbenches and Programming EnvironmentsSLE at Seminar Room G007 Chair(s): Stefan Marr University of Kent | ||
10:30 24mTalk | Workbench for Creating Block-Based EnvironmentsResearch PaperIn Person SLE DOI Pre-print | ||
10:54 24mTalk | Partial Parsing for Structured EditorsVirtualResearch Paper SLE Tom Beckmann University of Potsdam; Hasso Plattner Institute, Patrick Rein University of Potsdam; Hasso Plattner Institute, Toni Mattis University of Potsdam; Hasso Plattner Institute, Robert Hirschfeld University of Potsdam; Hasso Plattner Institute DOI Pre-print | ||
11:18 24mTalk | A Language-Parametric Approach to Exploratory Programming EnvironmentsResearch PaperIn Person SLE L. Thomas van Binsbergen University of Amsterdam, Damian Frölich University of Amsterdam, Mauricio Verano Merino Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Joey Lai University of Amsterdam, Pierre Jeanjean Inria; University of Rennes; CNRS; IRISA, Tijs van der Storm CWI; University of Groningen, Benoit Combemale University of Rennes; Inria; CNRS; IRISA, Olivier Barais University of Rennes; Inria; CNRS; IRISA DOI Pre-print | ||
11:42 15mTalk | Freon: An Open Web Native Language WorkbenchTool PaperVirtual SLE DOI |
13:30 - 14:35 | GPCE KeynoteGPCE Keynote at Seminar Room G007 Chair(s): Bernhard Scholz The University of Sydney, Yukiyoshi Kameyama University of Tsukuba | ||
13:30 65mKeynote | Language Design meets Verifying CompilersIn PersonKeynote GPCE Keynote David J. Pearce ConsenSys DOI |
14:35 - 15:00 | |||
14:35 24mTalk | From Coverage Computation to Fault Localization: A Generic Framework for Domain-Specific LanguagesVirtualResearch Paper SLE Faezeh Khorram IMT Atlantique; Nantes Université; École Centrale Nantes, Erwan Bousse IMT Atlantique; Nantes Université; École Centrale Nantes, Antonio Garmendia JKU Linz, Jean-Marie Mottu IMT Atlantique; Nantes Université; École Centrale Nantes, Gerson Sunyé IMT Atlantique; Nantes Université; École Centrale Nantes, Manuel Wimmer JKU Linz DOI Pre-print |
Wed 7 DecDisplayed time zone: Auckland, Wellington change
09:00 - 10:00 | SLE KeynoteSLE Keynote / SLE at Seminar Room G007 Chair(s): Lola Burgueño University of Malaga, Walter Cazzola Università degli Studi di Milano | ||
09:00 60mKeynote | People do not want to learn a new language but a new libraryIn PersonKeynote SLE Keynote Shigeru Chiba University of Tokyo DOI |
10:30 - 12:00 | Session 6. Language Implementation, Debugging and OptimizationSLE at Seminar Room G007 Chair(s): Marco Servetto Victoria University of Wellington | ||
10:30 24mTalk | A Multi-target, Multi-paradigm DSL Compiler for Algorithmic Graph ProcessingVirtualResearch Paper SLE Houda Boukham Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs; Oracle Labs, Guido Wachsmuth Oracle Labs, Martijn Dwars Oracle Labs, Dalila Chiadmi Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs DOI | ||
10:54 24mTalk | Optimising First-Class Pattern MatchingResearch PaperIn Person SLE Jeff Smits Delft University of Technology, Toine Hartman Independent, Jesper Cockx Delft University of Technology DOI | ||
11:18 24mTalk | Specializing Scope Graph Resolution QueriesResearch PaperIn Person SLE Aron Zwaan Delft University of Technology DOI | ||
11:42 15mTalk | Reflection as a Tool to Debug ObjectsTool PaperVirtual SLE Steven Costiou INRIA Lille, Vincent Aranega Univ. Lille, CNRS, Inria, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 - CRIStAL, Marcus Denker INRIA Lille DOI |
13:30 - 15:00 | Session 7. Grammars, Parsing and TheorySLE at Seminar Room G007 Chair(s): Marjan Mernik University of Maribor | ||
13:30 40mTalk | The Semantics of PluralsVirtualSLE Body of Knowledge SLE DOI | ||
14:10 24mTalk | Gradual Grammars: Syntax in Levels and LocalesVirtualResearch Paper SLE DOI Pre-print Media Attached | ||
14:34 24mTalk | Property Probes: Source Code Based Exploration of Program Analysis ResultsIncludes DemoResearch PaperIn Person SLE Anton Risberg Alaküla Lund University, Görel Hedin Lund University, Niklas Fors Lund University, Adrian Pop Linköping University DOI Media Attached File Attached |
16:58 - 17:10 | SLE ClosingSLE at Seminar Room G007 Chair(s): Lola Burgueño University of Malaga, Walter Cazzola Università degli Studi di Milano | ||
16:58 12mDay closing | SLE Closing SLE |